It is strange that we have been five days past the 2021. Looking back we were still trying to make end meets, thinking that we might barely survive the year so we're silently praying for the universe to give us even just a belated plot twist. No plot twist to me, though.
If 2020 felt like a passerby, the year followed felt almost like a bird of passage. It wasn't as quick and blurry, but kind of in a hopeful phase- taking more time then to test the water, to wait for a different trajectory, but still moving persistent. With the stretch of pandemic from a catastrophic 2019, everything has to still fit in with the new normal- just like cinema, which for more than a year has also had to compress their ambitions to a smaller screen.
Then the big screen came back later in 2021, but people are bothered with the threat of the pandemic still lurking in the corner. I haven't taken the bold chance to set foot in any theaters. I think if it weren't for streaming platforms like Netflix and other creative options (LOL) I wouldn't be able to maximize my watching experience. So, as this year finally ended, here are the movies and series that outline my 2021.
I started One Spring Night later in 2020. This one might not be my favorite of all the Kdramas I have watched so far, but it is memorable. It was the first series that I made a not-so review about. It helped me to write again after a long while.
If there's one thing that made me not back out from watching it, it was probably because of its bold depiction of what life is. The characters are all faulty and human, you see yourself from their decisions, and their often stubborn refusal to look at the things, almost made me quit because it's too real and annoying to watch.
It also tackles different significant issues that are especially taboo in Asian countries like South Korea. It is a slow burn and I am not really sure if everyone would enjoy its phasing since you need an extra energy to appreciate this series from its silent moments of reconsideration to every character's determined pursuit of love and tender beginning of a new life.
This limited drama series was unexpectedly good. It was short, no argument, but I enjoyed it from the beginning until its final episode. I think, looking back, I realized that this series is already good enough to have three episodes. It doesn't need to be loaded with dramas, twists and turns, and surprise endings. The amount of melancholia both shared by the characters sufficed the tragedy of their fates. In a world that deprived them of the chance to live freely, they jump their way out even if it will take them to their own's grave just for the pursuit of the life they ever wanted for themselves.
After Cheese in the Trap and Reply 1988, finally I found another favorite to put in my list. These three series tortured me the most, crumpled my sanity, and left me with regretful longing. The Smile has left you Eyes, just from the title, is already giving me the impression of profound loneliness and oppressive emptiness. It is not recommendable if you are not welcoming to these emotions. Throughout the series, it is quite evident that they never want you to be tickled with colorful butterflies nor with any kind of sweet moments to take delight in whenever you feel that romantic helplessness. It just wants you to suffer- a plain motive.
So, if you want to suffer, then that's when I want to recommend this series. It will surely does make your smile leave your eyes.
When I thought that I had to just wait for the days to come before One Ok Rock's concert in Manila will finally happen, there came the unsought pandemic we never asked for and killed the joy of my anticipation- it could have been my second concert after iKON but it never happened even after almost two years now. I am still waiting for them. In fact, I never surrender my ticket nor ask for a refund because I am holding on to that hope that it will happen sooner. And I found that hope. It may not be the announcement that I have been waiting for my whole life, but it was a comforting snap of "hey, we still got you buddy!" when I saw the poster of their upcoming documentary on Netflix. I was beyond ecstatic.
After I watched Flip A Coin, I was literally crying. It was midnight when I finished it and felt like I have never been that emotional for a long while. Their combined passion thundered into life as they hit the latter part of their virtual concert, it was electrifying and heartfelt. This documentary cemented more of my breathless adoration towards One Ok Rock. I am a big fan and how I wish sooner I will finally see them performing live.
The final season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine was released midway through 2021. I am still somewhere on its fourth season and admittedly I am having a crisis on continuing the series. This comedy series is the first one that I enjoyed since I have never been a fan of such genre. It is also American which adds up to my hesitation if I should watch it. Then I watched it. It was surprisingly fun and more than its comic exaggeration and jocular depiction of detective lives, I was hooked by their witty dialogues. I am happy that I started with Brooklyn Nine-Nine in venturing American series since it is hard for me to appreciate American humor.
If there is one more Kdrama that has been consistently recommended, at least across my social media, it might be this series called "Because This is My First Life" . As fans often describe it as philosophical, and I was at that time undecided of what should I watch, I finally gave it a go but without necessary intention of seeing the whole thing. I can agree that they are right all along when they say that this series is uplifting– not in a spiritual manner, but more like a comfort in disguise.
This Kdrama will tell you that everything is all our first time regardless of where we are in life. We are all turning over a new leaf every single day. It might sometimes stray from reality and becomes cliché after a while but it is always saved by their philosophical thoughts and heartwarming realizations which are very comforting. I like how every episode triggers me to reflect on my life decisions and how their dialogues echo my thoughts and trepidations about future.
If you want to be intrigue by this series, then try to just at least read their beautiful lines here: Because This is My First Life Quotes
It took me a very long while to finally put myself back to watching Anime series. I didn't know how exactly I drifted away from the world that once familiar to me, but it felt like ages since the last time I wanted to watch an Anime. With Noragami, I was honestly trying to wait for it to digest in me. And it happened since it has somehow caught my fancy to keep watching it because I like the storyline, however when I started its second season, I lost my connection with it along the way. I don't really like it when there's some kind of romance going on between two Anime characters, I find it weird and feel like it is undermining the aspect of the story since I am used to that romance is not a leading staple ingredient of an Anime series.
But still, Noragami deserved a spot in my Top 10 because I really enjoyed the storyline. Aside from that, its OSTs are so great! If I can include some honorable mentions in my Year-End Countdown: Music Edition, I will definitely include theirs in it.
Also this year I decided to re-watch all Rurouni Kenshin films in the series as follow: Rurouni Kenshin Origins (2012), Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2014), Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends (2014), Rurouni Kenshin: The Final (2021), and Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning (2021). This Japanese period action-adventure film is based on the manga of the same name. I think, more people recognize it as Samurai X, including myself not until I found out it later on. And although I haven't seen other live-action movies, I couldn't agree more when they say that this one is by far the most convincing adaptation out there. It is also my first time enjoying a Japanese film considering that I am still new, and venturing out Japanese cinema.
I could say that all the fighting scenes are worth watching. It makes me anticipate for another round of sword fighting, some exhibition of wall running, and breathless encounter of swords-- slashing, slicing, and swishing at a high-speed.
I also like to commend that it is such a good decision to put his romance with Kaoru in periphery. Sometimes it is just all right to tease the viewers with a little touch of romance between characters. Considering that these films follow the life of Kenshin from his penitence back toward into his barbaric past as Battousai, then other important aspects should put forward to unveil his history as that samurai who has a cross-like scar on his face.
Among the many genres there are, science fiction is perhaps my least favorite one. I couldn't say if it has been rooted by my inability to grasp scientific concepts quick or just my reluctance to multitask things when my mind wants only to focus on making sense of the storyline. Maybe I don't like the idea of asking me for another surge of energy when I have already set the right amount of it, in short, I only want to keep up with the story without having to recall what is a stimuli again. I don't to exhaust my memory when my intention of watching a film is to be entertained.
But seeing The Silent Sea going against other big films on Netflix, and still securing at least a higher spot than everyone might expected, has convinced me to see if it's worth a watch.
For a thrilling eight episodes, I was able to watch the series for just about three or four days. And it was even on weekdays!
I appreciate that The Silent Sea is not a science "science" fiction. If you know what I mean. It doesn't suddenly throw vocabularies here and there, and perhaps the production doesn't want it when the viewers urged to pause the video just so they could decipher what was just said. They make it friendlier especially to someone like me who is never a fan of sci-fi films nor series. Admittedly, the short series starts off rather slowly. It is like taking their viewers with them to the space-- with a labored breathing, heavy-footed movements. It needs time for you to digest, but it is not exactly boring. As soon as they inch closer to their mission, the more truths unearth to them.
This one is the only on-going series in my list. As of writing, the tenth episode was already up on Netflix, and here I am keeping myself away from any potential spoilers that might have already been gracing my Twitter feeds. Of all the late releases in 2021, I could say that Our Beloved Summer is clearly and by far my current favorite. I even anticipated it even before it premieres, that is how I was hook the very moment I came across their teaser on YouTube. Right there, their chemistry was spot-on that I was waiting like a mad woman for the first episode to arrive.
This is another gem to put in my treasure chest after The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. I enjoy this romantic-comedy series so much that I am going crazy every after episode. I like all their soundtracks, and just the fact that I didn't veer off course when I found out that this is going to be about the ins and outs of their breakup with that common stranger to enemies to lovers to ex-lovers trope, means that I genuinely love this drama.