I have been tracking the ins and outs of my money just few months after I started working. Sure, it was strenuous in the beginning and tested so much of my commitment, but as the saying goes, what's worth doing is worth doing well so I just had to embrace the challenge of making it as a habit.
I think what helped also is the idea of incorporating my fancy in journaling to my money tracker. By purchasing a decent journal and making use of some washi tapes and colored pens, it made me enthusiastic to write out my expenditures.
This forced commitment has become my bi-weekly habit since then. It is effective to review your previous expenses and compute your budget to meet your required target savings for the whole month.
Doing this might be exhausting– and makes you feel obligated (which is a must, actually) but putting your own creativity actually works on me. So, it is always a trial and error but once you find your own groove on something it will be exciting to look forward doing it.
I bought myself a coin bank last December 2019. So, maybe I have been using it already for a little over two years now. It was initially for my monito at work but I decided to keep it for myself since it has a vintage design lol. I wasn't even planning to put my coins religiously, but it just happened that I started making it a habit whenever I have some extra 5 and 10 pesos with me.
I haven't opened the coin bank nor have I planned of doing it any time soon. So, I just let it sit there on its spot and let myself enjoy the fancy of saving up coins for the future.
This year I also learned to open few savings account like EastWest's KOMO and CIMB. Since I just withdraw cash only if I had to, I took up my courage to put some of my savings into other online banks which have higher interest rates compared to my current bank account. Doing this helps me to divide my funds depending on their function. For example, I use my EastWest's KOMO to transfer money as a bi-weekly contribution to Mama's budget. Since opening an account comes with a free debit card, Mama is not tempted to spend money on the things which we don't need for the time being. I am also notified whenever she uses the card to buy groceries through text and can check the balance from time to time using their app. Basically this savings account is for Mama, the one that is really for me is my CIMB account which I am not active of using it yet. I have put more than 1000 as of now but planning next year to cash in 500 every payroll. I like to use this account for my emergency fund.
As early as possible, once you start getting your pay, discipline yourself to be mindful of your money. Track your expenses, target a specific savings every payroll, estimate the amount that you can only spend, be strict to your budget plan, set goals for your every savings account, and lastly treat yourself because you deserve it!
Only this year when I learned about the beauty of cashback. It was also the same time when I installed PayMaya and discovered about its missions to their users. These missions guarantee a cashback voucher whenever you complete it within their guidelines. The first few days I used PayMaya, I was able to get around 400 pesos something which I cashed in to my Lazada and used to purchase items. Cashback is real, indeed!
So if you want to save up a little, then maximize the function of cashback for your next purchase! It helps, I swear.
I have an on-and-off relationship with my diary on my phone. For the past years, I tried different applications and even used the traditional journals to keep a daily record of my experiences, however, none seemed to work. Only this year that I realized that it is not because of those things that I wasn't able to keep a diary every day but because of my wavering commitment and procrastination. I learned that I had to keep making myself guilty whenever I am too lazy to submit a journal entry. And it actually worked. I think that's a must when you're just starting to build a new habit. It requires your immense effort and continuous work until it becomes a part of yourself.
It is such an achievement when you are able to write an entry especially every day. The feeling is the same with ASMR, the process of taking a moment of silence while trying to expand your memory of what happened to you at that day and reaching the most highlighted parts is pretty amazing. It is like meditation. The activity of easing your mind free from worries and just eliminate the trivial things to write the moments you want to keep is very helpful to every breathless-in-life adult.
6. なまえわ なんですか。
This year I decided to continue learning Japanese language by heart. I remember those hard times during college when I couldn't stuck the Japanese numbers in my brain. The memory is still fresh when it was announced that I got zero in our quiz and our sensei had this mixture of shock and disappointment on her face. At that time, I was more interested in Korean language that's why it was hard for me to absorb things in a Japanese way. But now, I am a changed woman with a flammable passion to learn the language for my future with Yuki Ishikawa. It is Yuki Ishikawa who made me interested in Nihongo but what made me stay was my conviction to learn something new and prove that I can do it despite the hurdles. And this is what I am still doing.
Whenever I am studying Nihongo and understand the topics, I am thrilled with joy. Even recognizing Japanese characters may it be Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji, I couldn't help but beam with so much excitement, what more when I set my pace first but eventually able to read the whole Japanese word??? すぐい!
Who would have thought that I would be committed to work out this 2021? Myself couldn't even believe it as well. Doing some workouts in the morning is absolutely and undeniably a struggle. Why would I exercise when I am already tired physically and mentally? Why would I exercise when I am satisfied already with my body? Why would I exercise when I simply don't want to? Why?
Those are just some of my questions to the world when half of myself was still convincing me to at least try to workout just to test the water. Last 2020, I gained so much weight that I couldn't believe that I actually have the ability to weigh more kilograms just by working at home. This realization came later than it should and starched until the 2021. And it was my first time being conscious of how I look in terms of my weight. This turned slowly to almost an insecurity which I tried to abolish right away by deciding to finally workout. And so I did.
The experience might not be life changing, at least for me, but for months (although not consistently) of trying to get fit by working out every time I have a spare time during my shift, I saw some little changes. I feel lighter and not conscious anymore and for some reason I was able to appreciate the grandeur of exercising. I am not only seeing it now as it is, but more of a ground to hone my discipline in taking care of my body. Along the way, I also learned to eat more greens, less oily food, and just consume food the balanced way.
Health is wealth, as they say, and it may sound so cliché but it is true when adults say it because I am adult myself now.
One of the things I learned especially during the pandemic in 2021 is utilizing my rest days. My offs are on weekend and admittedly at first I wasn't able to manage those days like I have been doing now. I remember that I will just complain about how stressful the past weekdays and be completely somber about it and that's it. The cycle continues with me being me during weekdays or working days then will just spend the whole weekend with me being me again but sulky. But as I started adjusting in the pandemic life and work from home setup, I learned to manage my whole schedule from the moment I start my day until I turn off my phone to sleep. I learn to wake up just right on time with enough space for my morning routine since it is WFH I found it most comfortable to take a bath using the half hour of my lunch break. Then I also manage my time even during work by making sure that I finish my job on or before my end shift. Doing this helps me to have an allowance of time to do some little things like gawking at the wall or dead scrolling on my phone.
While my weekend, I usually spend my Saturday doing almost nothing that requires my strength and brain cells. I just let myself be lazy on that day without making myself guilty. Saturday also means No Ligo Day and I don't care if I don't smell like a fresh-from-the-bath person, I just want that day to be that way. It is my hibernation day. A day to relax my muscles and regain my lost energies from the past weekdays to perform my work tasks at best.
On the other hand, my Sunday is about me being productive but not on any working-related activities. I spend this day to wake up early to do household chores especially cleaning my work station and its surrounding. While in the afternoon, I will keep up on my Japanese lessons and visit my blog in case I am in the right mind to write and write.
Money is not only thing we divide, our time and days also. I learned that overworking is not equivalent to hard work, but time management is. Give yourself a time to take your mind off your work. It is important to your mental health and emotional stability.
Maybe I am already too late to say this, but make up is an art. I used to judge people especially girls who, despite their young age, already know how to use make up. But now, bow down to the queens. I have never thought that I would be satisfied watching makeup tutorial videos across my socmeds. Looking back, I used to scoff at them. I really hate myself for that. If it weren't for these tutorials, I won't have any idea on how to use concealer or what shade is compatible to my complexion (which I still don't know) but I am still learning.
I learned that we have our own outlets that can boost our confidence. Some may be comfortable being only focused on skincare, others might be more into beauty care, whatever it is, respect them and if you can't just don't say anything because they never ask for your opinion. Period.
Hair is the girl's crowning glory. And I don't believe at it when I was growing up. I don't care much of myself back then, I used to think that I don't really care about anything that people will throw at me but as I grow up and started working it dawn at me that the reason why I am not taking care of myself is also because of them, so it has always been them. Now that I am working, I realize that it might not bluntly pronounced but it is important that you equally take care of your appearance as much as with you health. Stop thinking that you should or shouldn't do something because of them. Take care of yourself and make yourself confident by doing your looks for yourself.
My hair might not be my crowning glory, but I should take care of it. I learned this year that it is more damaging when you do not comb your hair than you actually do. When I started using Gugo't Lawat shampoo I noticed that my hair feels lighter and healthier than it was before. I think it helps that it is organic and paraben-free and sulfate-free which is nice to my hair. I also reduce shampooing my hair every day, only just two to three times a week to let it natural oil produce. While some other days that I don't use it, I either wash my hair only with water or use conditioner for extra care on my hair ends.
It's a no brainer, that's why I feel like I had no brain back in the days when I was too stubborn to take care of my skin. This negligence has become my haunted insecurity when I was growing up. I couldn't wear clothes without having to consider if my scars and all my skin imperfections will be visible. It has been my long-time struggle. I feel like everyday is a slumber party, wearing pajamas not to actually have fun but to cover up my imperfections.
I may be late now to redeem myself of the chance to take care of myself, but I guess it is better late than never, isn't it?
Take care of your skin as early as you could. You can have fun without comprising your self. You'll soon realize that it is also a form of self-care and we all need that.
Cliché as may it seems, but we really have to take in more water than we should. Like some beauty products, the long-time effect of water can really test your patience.
Is it really beneficial? Does it really make your skin healthy?
But why I feel bloated than healthy? Why is my skin doesn't look glassy when I have been gulping more glasses of water?
More than stressing out myself from questioning the universe why I have to establish such relationship with water, maybe we can shift to thinking that we get to be hydrated when we do it. After all, I think, it is better to be bloated than dehydrated.
I learned about podcast way back in 2020. We were already working at home when I got to listen for the first time ever to Joyce Pring's Adulting 101. It was such a momentous discovery for me since aside from doing the actual work, I have no other options to maximize my opportunity to do other stuff except taking a quick nap. But ever since I started listening to a podcast and put it within my routine, it created a dynamic force in my stagnant working life.
It was a game changer. The experience I get from doing it is like I am eavesdropping a group of friends who are talking about random things that make sense. I think podcast has been one of my few companions throughout this pandemic.
One of the things that actually worked on me during also this year is to slow myself down while taking my food.
I used to eat fast especially when I had pending tasks that need to accomplish on or before my end shift. However, it came to me later that doing such routine means that I have been compromising my time to relax. I think it also boils down from the fact that I used to mess up my time management which then affected even my eating habit.
Now, like I said on my eight lesson, I learned to take my time off work by maximizing my 1-hour lunch break and two 15-minute short breaks. Doing this has effectively helps me to catch my breath, and reminds me that taking my lunch is not a racing competition that needs my speed, but a recreation that needs my attention.
So, this is what happens when you reach that point in your life where doing household chores feels like you're doing a morning meditation?
I don't know but that's what I feel-- not always though, but there came some points in my life, when I allot time to do some chores before I start my day.
Doing household has been therapeutic to me. It sets my mind into focus, the feeling is almost like when I am writing in my journal. The only thing I am connected to is either that broom or that rag in my hand. It requires me to live in the present by dismissing other stuff.
My first purchase online was in 2020, I think it was already few months after the height of the pandemic. It was a tough year since for some reason I became impulsive on buying things that I don't need. I never had any experience of online buying/shopping before that phase, so everything felt new and exciting but irresponsible.
During the year 2021, when I finally got into my senses. It dawned on me that I have to hold myself back and think and rethink before placing an order. I have to keep asking myself if I really need this one and if my budget wouldn't be put into compromising. I had to keep putting myself in a mental interrogation room for more than a week (sometimes it lasts for a month or so) just to ensure that I am buying things not for the fancy of doing it, but because it is something that will contribute to my general productivity.
Also this year, for the record, that I joined several online webinars and workshops. Those times were the toughest ones having to urge myself on waking up earlier than my set alarm and listening while fighting off myself from not dozing off.
Attending such activities might not change the course of your life, but it is great to hear someone educate you on important matters. With my experience, I decided last year to participate in a leadership program at work. It was nerve-wracking to do activities that requires me to discuss things to my team and shadow people of the higher positions. I guess that was the hardest part of the training-- talking. Anyway, the reason why I joined such training was because I wanted to feel alive again. I wanted to relive nervousness in me. I wanted to challenge myself outside the things I usually do at work. That's why. It actually helped me.
Uninstalling Twitter was one of the hardest decision I had to make, although I knew it was necessary for my mental health. When Facebook was no longer something I need for my social life, it was Twitter that helped me in many little aspects. It is a platform built in with news updates, latest trends, and random tweets about anything-- anything like everything including dark tweets.
When I was struggling mentally back in 2019, my feed was heaving with depressive contents. And when something felt relatable, it was as if you're relieved because you're not only one experiencing such depth of loneliness. On Twitter, you are always bombarded with so much information and opinions, and it was overwhelming. Instead you consume it, it is the one that consume you. That's why, even it took long enough, I decided to finally uninstall it last year. It was hard at first since it had been a part of my everyday life, but I had to keep myself away from that black hole. It might helped me for sure but in the long run I realized that I had been going in and around the same cycle and there's no progress in doing that. After deleting Twitter, there's something changed, I don't know exactly what it is, but I don't feel stuck as much as I was back then.
Also before 2021 ended, I installed my Facebook just to declutter it. I unfriended people I did not know, unfollow pages, delete some posts, and add people that contributes something in my life. It looks clean now but still I uninstalled it afterwards.
I am still camera shy. But in 2021, I learned to take photos and have photographs of me taken. Maybe I am getting older now and realized that while I am still young, I had to have something to remind me of things and myself. It's kind of hard to look back on things when you have to scan through your memory files and filter the ones you need at the moment. Memory can be our mental storage but it is still nice when you have a photograph that can visually and vividly reminds you of the bygone days.
One of the things that made me quit Twitter was the overwhelming pressure of having to be politically involved. When I opened my Twitter, I was immediately bombarded with a myriad of tweets. I may be informed and educated, but the little energy I had after being exhausted from work was consumed at the last bit. It fueled my anxiety. I felt bad at some point when I can't speak up and voice out like others. I hated myself for not being as active as the ones I am following on Twitter. That's why I took a break just to take my mind off the pressure and also for my mental health. I knew that it is my responsibility to participate in the noise, but I have to shut down the unwanted noises in my mind first. I have to put my well being at the top of my priorities.
This 2022, the upcoming election will be our chance to vote the right and deserving candidates and unvote the ones who never wanted to serve the people. I learned that one vote can take us an inch to the change we have been dreaming of. Vote wisely!