I know I had a good sleep when I woke up this morning with my dream still lingering in my groggy consciousness.
Today, I dreamt about a double rainbow. I was inside our home with my sister and nephew, looking out at the sky. At first, I was the only one who noticed the multicolored arch, but after a few blinks, there it was—another arch of wonder—a double rainbow! My gasp at the sight quickly drew their attention, and just like that, I woke up.
While working earlier, the dream kept crossing my mind. I couldn’t resist the urge to take a quick break and google its meaning—which I eventually did, but only after finishing my tasks. Since I was trying to avoid binge-watching Normal People (I’m on episode 7, by the way), I decided to dive into interpretations of what a double rainbow could symbolize in dreams.
According to what I read (and I read a lot), dreaming of a rainbow often symbolizes a turning point in life or a new beginning. Because seeing a rainbow in real life is so unpredictable, it’s said to represent unexpected changes on the horizon. In short, it signifies a shift in life’s course. How I wish that shift came with a pot of gold at the end of the arch! I mean, wouldn’t it be nice to suddenly be rich?
But what about a double rainbow?
Apparently, seeing a double rainbow in a dream symbolizes harmony, peace, and discovering your life’s purpose. How ironic, considering I’m in a phase where I feel deeply confused about what I want and what I should do. Could this dream be a sign? A nudge to just go through this stage, giving myself room to grow in my new profession, even amidst the uncertainty? Maybe it’s telling me that if I can’t embrace it despite my efforts, I should allow myself the freedom to move on.
One article I found (yes, I read several—what can I say, I needed validation) mentioned that seeing multiple rainbows in a dream indicates making peace with oneself. That interpretation felt both beautiful and comforting. Ever since I resigned from my first job, I’ve been living with a push-and-pull mindset. What if I hadn’t left? Would things be better now? Perhaps I’d be more at ease, enjoying a great work culture with my favorite teammates. But then again, maybe I’d be stagnant—working but not growing. I wouldn’t have faced the daily challenges that push me out of my comfort zone, nor would I have learned to confront fears head-on. And maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t be writing this blog post or dreaming about double rainbows.
The same article suggested that my dream could reflect my struggles with identity and regrets over missed opportunities—burdens that are weighing me down and stunting my progress. However, the double rainbow is a sign of hope. It signifies that I’ll eventually overcome this phase and realize that the actions I take today will shape my future. Persistence, it seems, is the key to brighter days.
This dream felt as unexpected as a rainbow appearing out of nowhere. I don’t usually indulge in things like dream interpretations—they often feel superstitious. But right now, when my life feels unsteady, I find solace in the idea. Perhaps this small thing is what I need: a breather, a gentle reminder that the universe can offer something vague yet meaningful, disguised as what we’re searching for—a sign, validation, or reassurance. Sometimes, it’s enough to calm the heart and quiet the mind, a reminder that the world isn’t conspiring to overwhelm us. We’re just too caught up in our own doubts, letting them dull our excitement.
I hope to look back on this entry in a few months and see how far I’ve come. By then, I hope I’ll have adjusted to this new chapter of life. After all, there’s no way to deal with it but to face it head-on.
Good luck, friend!