Saying Goodbye to My Most Favorite Eyeglasses Yet


A pretty reasonable estimate seems to me that if you have seen me strolling in a public place wearing this eyeglasses, there's at least a higher chance I am in the mood of not seeing the world in a blurry perspective.

That is why, I guess, I was sentimental last Thursday. It was a typical day, the likes when I am in my usual tendency of not looking forward to anything any longer because life for awhile has become steadily somber to me. That day, I was doing my usual click and tap routine in my work, but due to that unwelcome phenomenon which is called "poor connection", my stormy temperament accidentally broke the frame of my eyeglasses when I took it off. I mumbled out a barely conscious DAMMIT WHY IT HAS TO BE TODAY? as I was trying not to let the horror overcome me at another ghastly view of the lens that has just popped out on its frame.

I can still feel the tears sitting on the corner of my eyes. This eyeglasses has seen me off to more vivid and bleak moments of my life for the last two to three years, has accompanied me to that blast concert of iKON, fleeting last moments of my university days, even to my nerve-wracking job interviews. It's been a loyal companion through my drastic shift from being an excited student to an officially lost and out-of-breath adult.

The moment has simply passed and it's time to say goodbye.

On the grey-colored afternoon clouds, I bought a new eyeglasses. After all, we all need a new perspective, not through a rose-colored spectacle but through as it is.

Rest assured, it will be missed. Gone but not forgotten.

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